Friday, March 04, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Introducing LotusLive Symphony

I've been using Google Documents for couple years already, I've even do not have office installed on my laptop at all. Now IBM did something similar? I've tried it already and should notice that Live Symphony is still far-far from Google. First what I've found - no support of right click mouse, only action bar. From another side, I'm happy that IBM tried to do that. Test link. That's nice.

Friday, February 11, 2011

xPage view with categories + readers fields + don't show empty categories

I'm doing simple application right now on xPage, nothing really difficult. This application has view with couple columns as category, documents that I display into that view have readers/authors fields and I need to be able do collapse and expand of that view. Simple things, right? but not for xPage, to difficult, it just does not work :-), I've found paper on
Actually this paper describes my situation and there is really smart solution there!
Local fix
Remove any one of these three factors:
- The readers fields from the documents.
- The "Don't show empty categories" property from the view.
- The 'expandLevel' property from the view control.

Is it joke? Would it not be better to remove whole application at all? nice that they do not say to use another sofrware for web development, but who know... probably next 'Loal fix'...  :-)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

trying to get full control over xPage auto generated html

I know xPage is great especially for RAD but I feel bad when I see how Domino generates HTML for xPage's application and dojo why it loads even if I do not want to use it? yea, I know that most of xPage's controls use it but anywhere I want to keep control over each html-tag. I want nice html. I want to know what is going on with my html. I'm sure all of you saw what html we get from xPage, and I want to repeat once again "I'm not fan of that".
Here are couple steps for those who want to get some more control over xPage. I will show example with new application that has only one xPage.

so let's start. we created new application and created new xPage, let's call it 'index'. Open it in browser. what do you see? My Domino generates already lot of staff.

1. included dojo.
2. included css.
3. created form and put there ~6 fields for some reasons. I do not know why.
4. html, head, title, body tags and !DOCTYPE

So instead to display empty page, Domino generated ~1Kb of some data we did not ask.

1-st step: disable default dojo in xPage.
You can disable the loading of the default Dojo, for example in order to use a more recent version of Dojo. In the Package Explorer in Domino Designer open your database and find the WebContent/WEB-INF/ file.
Edit the file and addxsp.client.script.libraries=none
Switch to Java perspective and Package Explorer there by default, so go there and make update. Save and check results. 2 line disappeared.

2-nd step: disable CSS.
create new Theme and remove extends="webstandard" and add this Theme in application properties as one we want to use. check hmtl source again - 3 lines with css went out.

open our index xPage and go to properties, tab Basic and set CreateForm = false. Save. Check. 
nice! we are quite near :)

4-th step. get empty blank xPage.
I do not know yet the way how correctly suppress rest of these tags and how to change doctype, so next time when I found solution I will update article.

Funny, while I was looking for solution for 4-th step, I found absolutely similar article from Chris, so you can read more older one This is an xPage.