Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Evaluation of database

Simple example, how we can evaluation of database. Put this code in DatabaseScript on event PostOpen. I would like to see another examples, but I did not find


Declare Function NEMGetCurrentSubprogramWindow Lib "nnotesws.dll" () As Long
Declare Function NEMStopSubprogramWindow Lib "nnotesws.dll" (Byval hwnd As Long) As Integer
Sub Postopen(Source As Notesuidatabase)
If Cdat("03/15/2009") < Cdat(Today) Then
Dim wHandle As Long
' Get window handle
wHandle = NEMGetCurrentSubprogramWindow
' Close current window
Call NEMStopSubprogramWindow(wHandle)
End If
End Sub

Add on by Olli Kämäräinen
We have to remember about international date, so here a solution how to fix potential problem...

Function MakeDate(dd As String, mm As String, yyyy As String) As Variant

Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim international As NotesInternational
Dim delim As String
Set international = session.International

delim = international.DateSep

If international.IsDateDMY Then
MakeDate = Cdat(dd & delim & mm & delim & yyyy)
'Messagebox "DMY",, "Format of date"
Elseif international.IsDateMDY Then
MakeDate = Cdat(mm & delim & dd & delim & yyyy)
Elseif international.IsDateYMD Then
MakeDate = Cdat(yyyy & delim & mm & delim & dd)
'Messagebox "Unknown",, "Date"
End If

End Function

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

How to create PDF from Lotus Notes

I want to show you one of the way how we can create PDF documents from Lotus Notes. I propose to use this package com.lowagie.text
You can download iText®, a JAVA-PDF library
Read more here Generate PDF files from Java applications dynamically

Here is an example that create PDF document.
import lotus.domino.*;
import com.lowagie.text.Paragraph;
import com.lowagie.text.Chapter;
import com.lowagie.text.Font;
import com.lowagie.text.List;
import com.lowagie.text.Table;
import com.lowagie.text.Document;
import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException;
import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter;

public class JavaAgent extends AgentBase {
public void NotesMain() {
try {
Session session = getSession();
AgentContext agentContext = session.getAgentContext();
//create document's object
Document document = new Document();
try {
//create a document
PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream("c:\\CreatePDFInlotus.pdf"));
//open doc for r/w;
//add text
document.add(new Paragraph ("Create PDF in Lotus "));
//if error
} catch (DocumentException de) {
System.err.println(de.getMessage()); }


} catch(Exception e) {
Download Project: convert_2_pdf example

Related articles about creating PDF files

Monday, May 05, 2008

Discovering of memory leaks

You may have discovered memory leaks when your Notes client is running a large job or just running an application on your Domino server. The leaks can occur in various places — and the source of the problems may be almost impossible to identify in your code. Here are some undocumented techniques that can help you find code that might be causing memory leaks.
The trick is to know the name of a function call to some internal registers that will return the amount of memory in use. Here are the types of information returned and the function names:

LotusScript Memory Allocated: Lsi_info(50)
LotusScript Memory Allocated from OS: Lsi_info(51)
LotusScript Blocks Used: Lsi_info(52)

Here's a LotusScript code fragment that shows how to use these functions in a foreground agent:

Sub Initialize
Msgbox(" Total LotusScript Memory Allocated: " & (Lsi_info(50)))
Msgbox(" Total LotusScript Memory Allocated from OS: " & (Lsi_info(51)))
Msgbox(" Total LotusScript Blocks Used: " & (Lsi_info(52)))
End Sub

To determine whether a leak exists, you must run this code BEFORE and AFTER the portion of code you want to investigate. If you want to use the above code in a background agent, you must print the results to the LOG.NSF using code like this:

Sub Initialize
Print "Memory Allocated: " & CStr(Lsi_info(50))
Print "Total LotusScript Memory Allocated from OS: " & CStr(Lsi_info(51))
Print "Total LotusScript Blocks Used: " & CStr(Lsi_info(52))
End Sub

If you write the information to a document in a database (for example, your own log facility), be careful because this procedure also consumes some memory, and thus, the BEFORE and AFTER measurements will NOT be equal. Also, because these techniques are undocumented, use them at your own risk, and make sure you have good backups before implementing them.

ProgressBar example

There is a small progessBar.rar of this kind of dialog. There are only main page and LS library.

Display all private agents in a database

The first step to detemine what agent are running on each server is to issue a:

Tell Amgr Sched server command

This will display all agents running in each database whether they are private or not.

Now the really cool trick - Before one can delete an agent you have to be able to see them, right? And private agent is'nt visible because they're private, stating the obvious... But here's a neat workaround:

To display all private agents in a database, all you have to do is create another private agent! It doesn't have to contain any code just create the agent, save it and exit. All private agents are now visible and you can even remove your agent and they'll stay visible.

I checked it with R5, and R6.5 it works ! but with R7.03 and R8 it did not work