Saturday, May 03, 2008

cross language via URL

I finished one small project, where I had to add possibility to change language. I did not find the best solution/way how to do it in Internet. So, I did it how I wanted :)
In my case I had documents in database (=> HTML pages) with content. So, I added in every document (HTML's page) new fields with different content (for different language). I put content in different fields: content_en, content_it, content_ru... For opening document in every language I used next approach, look at these URL:

Then I added agent on QO event, and checked the name of "view" (EU/RU/IT), then took it and used it when I received content => "content_" & language.

Friday, April 18, 2008

View applet - ext. problem.

Nothing news to be honest, but for me it happened first time. I had a task with View's applet, it didn't work correctly in several users and on my PC. It was simple applet, you can see it below my text.

the problem was in cab ext. I found that I have to switch off JRE support in my browser, or just to modify the ext. to jar.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Which parameters we can use in a command line to start a Notes client?

1) We can specify the path to notes.ini file:
c:\Notes\Notes.exe =c:\Notes\Data\Notes.ini

2) Do you want to open special database?
c:\Notes\Notes.exe names.nsf
c:\Notes\Notes.exe open names.nsf
c:\Notes\Notes.exe Servername!!\Directory\DatabaseName.nsf

3) You can also specify a .NDL file (Notes doclink). It will permit you to open a specified note:
c:\Notes\Notes.exe doclink.ndl

4) Do you want to open special URL?
c:\Notes\Notes.exe http:\\
c:\Notes\Notes.exe notes://servername/databaseName?OpenDatabase

5) Start with new email to?

6) Other:
/EMBEDDING or -EMBEDDING - starts Lotus as an OLE Server
/AUTOMATION - starts Lotus in Minimized State
/kiosk - starts Notes without Menus (but to be honest in my case it shows only grey window, hope it is only in my case)
/DEBUGGER - starts the Notes Remote Agent Debugger
/DESIGN - starts Notes Designer
/MAIL open the default mail database on the Notes client
/ADMINONLY open Notes Admin

also you can see it here:

Friday, March 28, 2008

RE: Is PlanetLotus just crack for ASWs? -> system of rating?

I guess it is time to add rating system on "planet lotus". I'm absolutely agree with Ben. It would be very nice to have opportunity to vote for every article => +1 and -1. It would be very nice to see near every article two marks: one for current article and another one for average mark of all articles. for example:

article1 about bla bla bla (+2), (+7).
article2 about bla bla bla (-4), (-3).

Also, probably, would be nice in case if article has mark let's say -10 it has to disappear from planet lotus.

What do people think about this idea?

I will send my proposition to owner/developer of "planet of lotus". I believe that we will solve this.

Let's kill cheaters !
and save our time !

how to get google map ?

I guess that somebody already shown it earlier. But it is always good to refresh memory.

Address := "Paris";
url := ""+Address;