Monday, January 25, 2010

8.5.1. FP1 found problem during installation. Error: version mismatch. Expected to find version "20090929.1223", found version(s): "20091002.1006".

I've tried to update Lotus Notes 8.5.1 on different PC and got problem

Error: version mismatch. Expected to find version "20090929.1223", found version(s): "20091002.1006".

I did not find the reason why I had older version then 20090929.1223 but I found one post on IBM with similar issue.

So, let me show how I avoided it, I unpacked installation to my PC, went to ..\deploy\hotfix folder and changed one variable in file fix.ini -> ForVersion=20091002.1006 (you can add some text to about lotus dialog if you change some another variables).

When you finish it, run setup.exe from root directory, it should installed then correctly.

p.s. Do it on your won risk, I'm not sure that it will not do some affects of LN :-)


Ulrich Krause said...

Thanks for the hint. Unfortunately it is not working for me. I can change the line in the fix.ini or even completely remove the line. But when the installer invokes fixpack.exe, the same version conflict occurs.
The behaviour is very strange, as I was able to upgrade on client on Windows 7 but failed on another client on XP. Both Notes installations have been done from the same installer package ...
very strange ...

Dmytro said...

Try to run update via Setup.exe, but not fixpack.exe

it is very strange it should comapre value from that ini file. I can't believe :(

Ulrich Krause said...

>> Try to run update via Setup.exe,
This is what I did.
The version conflict dialog was gone, but installation failed
So I tried to run fixpack.exe.
Thomas Adrian wrote that a NEW version is available.
I've downloaded but it seems to be tha same version than the file I downloaded yesterday.
btw.- My versionj found was 20090810.1007

Ulrich Krause said...

The problem occurs, when you try to apply the FP to a previously upgraded client. Something in the upgrade process went wrong and the build number was not applied correctly. install again over the installation.
I did so and was then able to apply the Fixpack.

Ed Brill said...

I've had reports of this related to the free Designer download vs. the official 8.5.1 client. Looking into it.

Anonymous said...

Hello Ulrich, Hello Dmytro,

we have the same Problem and the same error-messages and intallation is impossible.


Ulrich Krause said...

@Anonymous:Pls. provide more information about your environment. Does the issue occur on the free developer package or on the official client?
If it is the official client, check the Help - About box in your client.
You should see something like
Release 8.5.1 in brackets. If you see (BUILD V851 ... ) instead, then either do an installation over the existing installation or uninstall and reinstall the client.
I had the problem on 3 clients here and was able to solve the issue following the steps above.
The issue does not occur on a fresh install, so I guess that something went wrong during upgrade in the past.

Anonymous said...

Hello Ulrich,

More infos:

Release 8.5.1
Revision 20090929.1223 (Release 8.5.1)
it is the official client.


ulrich said...

Then the update should work without problems

Michael Robinson said...

Pastovenskyi, nice work. That worked for me! I had the issue with the Free Notes Designer Build. I tried your workaround on a machine running XP Workstation and it worked perfectly. I now have:

Release 8.5.1
Revision 20091002.1006 (Release 8.5.1 FP1)
Standard Configuration

Also on another machine with same problem, however this one is Windows Ultimate with same Notes 8.5.1 Free Notes Designer. Instead of replacing the value of ForVersion I simply put a ; in front of it (commented/rem'd it out). That worked too.

Thanks Again!

Anonymous said...

Hello Ulrich,

it's the error-message after installing:

"Notes hotfix did not install. Error encoutered while installing Notes Core Hottfix component"

....please run setup again :(


Rob P said...

@anonymous - Here's how to fix the error "Notes hotfix did not install. Error encountered while installing Notes Core Hotfix component"

Start task manager and end any NSD processes. You may also have to stop the Nlservice tasks. Then run setup again.

Why the fix pack doesn't do this itself I have no idea!

Roman K said...

Sorry for my english :)
Дима, я установил на чистую 851 и никаких проблем не было. Ты часом не ставил какие-нить хотфиксы? В сопроводительном документе указано, что любые хотфиксы надо удалить перед установкой. Не в этом ли дело у тебя?

Dmytro said...

> Sorry for my english :)

no, I did not have any fixes :)
even more, I uninstall LN, install then clear 8.5.1 and then try to update it with FP1.
Same thing :-)

On my home PC there was no any issue like this :)

vroosh said...

Changing the hotfix.ini is not recommended. This will bypass the installer check, but will skip updating java plugins from the Notes 8.5.1 FP1 hotfix and you won't even know it. The java patches are tailor built to apply on a specific plugin baseline. Since the baseline is different for 8.5.1 Warranty vs 8.5.1 Non-Warranty (free), the existing 8.5.1 FP1 will not apply correctly on 8.5.1.

This fails silently by design since patches are meant to fail silently if the base plugin is not installed. In this scenario, the base plugin is not installed (since it is looking for 0929 version not 1002 version) so it fails silently by design.

We (IBM) have received this feedback and are examining options for future deliverables.

-Scott Vrusho

vroosh said...

Hotfix = Fixpack in prior comment

Unknown said...

Hello, I've run into the same problem. Setup ended with the error-message "Notes hotfix did not install..."
The solution was what Rob P said: Kill all Notes processes with the Task Manager (nsd.exe!) and start the setup again with "setup.exe".

jeroen keet said...

stop nsd from the task manager
that mad it work for me

Unknown said...

Had the same issue. But I also have R6 on the same machine - installed after R8.5.1 in a seperate directory, etc. The solution for me was to re-install R8.5.1 using the REPAIR option. This updated my registry, presumably, and I was able to install FP2 right after that. Didn't even have to restart my machine. The best part is REPAIR is much faster and did not change any of my existing installations. My Lotus Notes R6 and R8.5.1 with multiple instances and data direcories are all in tact. Even my shortcuts which are non-standard did not get changed. 100% safe to run the REPAIR in R8.5.1.
Hope that works for everyone else who needs a solution too. Good luck!

Unknown said...

stopping nsd did not work for me; it just gets restarted when I try to run the fixpack again

Anonymous said...

Had the same issue also !

I also have R6 on the same machine - installed after R8.5.1 in a seperate directory.

So I did what Susan said :
* re-install R8.5.1 using the REPAIR option.
Also, I stopped nsd.exe service.

=> the fix install finaly well.


Jaap Smit said...

Okay, here is the conclusion of my personal experience with this issue and the solution:

Step 1 - edit the fix.ini file like Dmytro Pastovenskyi said...
Step 2 - Kill the NSD and NLSERVICE processes like Rob P
Step 3 - Change the properties of the NSD service in my host to "disabled" to prevent a launch of NSD during setup.!
Step 4 - Install from Setup.exe like Dmytro Pastovenskyi said...

Thanks for al the previous posts!
Good luck!