Thursday, April 08, 2021

Checking if database is encrypted with LotusScript (C API)

Since it's not possible to identify encryption status and level using native LotusScript/Java classes here is a way to do that. The solution is based on Notes CAPI (within LotusScript) but it works for both Linux/Windows environment.

I will omit NSFDbOpen and NSFDbClose since it's easy to find out and focus instead on the main function: NSFDbLocalSecInfoGetLocal.


Const NNOTES ="nnotes.dll"
Const LIBNOTES =""

Declare Public Function WIN_NSFDbLocalSecInfoGetLocal Lib NNOTES Alias "NSFDbLocalSecInfoGetLocal"(ByVal hDb As Long, state As Long, strength As Long) As Integer
Declare Public Function LIN_NSFDbLocalSecInfoGetLocal Lib LIBNOTES Alias "NSFDbLocalSecInfoGetLocal"(ByVal hDb As Long, state As Long, strength As Long) As integer

Function check encryption status

public Function NSFDbLocalSecInfoGetLocal(hDB As Long, state As Long, strength As long) As Integer
 If isDefined("WINDOWS") Then
  NSFDbLocalSecInfoGetLocal = WIN_NSFDbLocalSecInfoGetLocal(hDb, state, strength)
 ElseIf isDefined("LINUX") Then
  NSFDbLocalSecInfoGetLocal = LIN_NSFDbLocalSecInfoGetLocal(hDb, state, strength)
 End If
End Function

Example how to use it

Private Function calcEncryption(database As NotesDatabase, doc As notesdocument)
 Dim sDb As String
 Dim hDb As Long
 Dim state As Long
 Dim encrypt As Long
 Dim rc As Integer

 sDb = database.server & "!!" & database.filepath

 rc = NSFDbOpen(sDb, hDb)
 If rc <> 0 Then Exit function

 rc = NSFDbLocalSecInfoGetLocal(hDB, state, encrypt)
 If rc <> 0 Then
  Error 9001, "Impossible to read encryption. Error code: " & CStr(rc)
 End If

 rc = NSFDbClose(hDb)
End Function
  • state: 0 (not encrypted), 1 (encrypted) or 2 (will be encrypted after compact)
  • encrypt: 1 (easy), 2 (middle), 3 (strong)

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

How to post attachments using form to agent

I have a form with some text fields and I also needed to send attachments within same form.

Form is printed by agent and is processed by another agent written in LotusScript.

I spent some time working on solution and here it is.

The idea is to convert selected files to base64 on client side and then post data on submission and agent that process submission will conver base64 to file.

Here is a form, note that we run some logic when files are added

<form name="formName" method="post" action="agentName?openagent">
<input name="title" value="xxx">
<input type="file" name="files" multiple onchange="toBase64()">

Here is how we convert selected files to base64 and how we results as text fields to form (JS is not optimal, it can be done without jQuery)

function toBase64() {
  var files = document.querySelector('input[type=file]').files;

  var form = $("form");
  form.find("input[name^='filebase64']").remove(); // replace

  function readAndSave(file, index) {
    var reader = new FileReader();
    reader.addEventListener("load", function() {
    }, false);


  if (files) {
    [], readAndSave);

Once form is submitted we have to read base64 items and convert them to file. There are at least 2 solutions: pure LS or Java/LS2J

a) LotusScript using NotesMIMEHeader
Private Function saveBase64AsFile(base64 As String, filePath As string) As Boolean
	On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

	Dim stub As NotesDocument
	Dim stream As NotesStream
	Dim item As NotesMIMEEntity
	Dim header As NotesMIMEHeader
	Dim emb As NotesEmbeddedObject
	Dim fileName As String
	Dim contentType As string
	Dim base64File As String

	fileName = StrRightBack(filePath, "\")
	contentType = StrRight(Strleft(base64, ";"), ":")
	base64File = StrRight(Base64, ",")
	Call scriptLog.loginfo(fileName)
	Call scriptLog.loginfo(contentType)
	Set stub = db.Createdocument()
	Set item = stub.CreateMIMEEntity("Body")
	Set header = item.createHeader("Content-Disposition")
	Call header.setHeaderVal({attachment; filename="} & fileName & {"})

	Set stream = app.NotesSession.CreateStream()
	Call stream.WriteText(base64File)
	Call item.SetContentFromText(stream, contentType, ENC_BASE64)

	Call stream.Truncate
	Call stream.Close
	Call stub.Closemimeentities(True)

	Set emb = stub.Getattachment(fileName)
	Call emb.Extractfile(filePath)
	Exit Function
	Error Err, Error
End Function
b) Java with LS2J using native classses.
import java.util.Base64;
import java.nio.file.*;

public class Base64ToFile{

	public boolean convert(String base64String, String filePath) {
		try {
			byte[] decodedImg = Base64.getDecoder().decode(base64String.getBytes());
			Path destinationFile = Paths.get(filePath);
			Files.write(destinationFile, decodedImg);
			return true;
		} catch (IOException e) {
		return false;
UseLSX "*javacon"
Use "Base64ToFile"

Class Base64ToFile
	Private jSession As JavaSession
	Private jClass As Javaclass
	Private jObject As JavaObject
	Private jError As JavaError
	Sub New()
		Set jSession = New JavaSession
		Set jClass = jSession.GetClass("Base64ToFile")
		Set jObject = jClass.Createobject()
	End Sub
	Public Function convert(base64 As String, filePath As String) As Boolean
		convert = jObject.convert(base64, filePath)
	End Function
End Class

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

JavaServerAddin in Domino - constructor and schedule

In this article we will improve our java addin 'DemoAddin' with following features:

  1. Constructor that accepts parameters when we load java addin from console.
  2. We will schedule output to console amount of registered person in names.nsf (every 33 seconds).
  3. Define destructor.
  4. Load (with parameter) and Unload addin from console


We will define 2 constructor, one that can accept parameters and one in case if we load addin without any parameters. It is pretty obvious how it works.

// we expect our first parameter is dedicated for secondsElapsed
public DemoAddin(String[] args) {
	this.secondsElapsed = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);

// constructor if no parameters
public DemoAddin() {}

Means if we run command like below it will run using constructor with parameters

load runjava org.demo.DemoAddin 33

Schedule worker

There is a method (it works but deprecated, however I have not found what should be use instead). The snippet below run constant loop, open names.nsf, read amount of users in the view People and output it to console. The main line here is this.addInRunning(), it keeps loop running forever (until we change it to this.stopAddin() or unload addin from console)

session = NotesFactory.createSession();
String server = session.getServerName();

while (this.addInRunning()) {
	/* gives control to other task in non preemptive os*/

	if (this.AddInHasSecondsElapsed(secondsElapsed)) {
		ab = session.getDatabase(server, "names.nsf");
		long count = ab.getView("People").getAllEntries().getCount();
		logMessage("Count of persons: " + Long.toString(count));


Keep in mind that we need to be careful with Notes object, we have to release memory (recycle) after we no longer use them. So it's a good idea to create own terminate method that release memory for all Notes object you delcared and use it when addin unloads. There is also built-in method finalize so you can put code there, but I prefer to have own method and use it in places I need

private void terminate() {
	try {
		if (this.ab != null) {
		if (this.session != null) {

		logMessage("UNLOADED (OK)");
	} catch (NotesException e) {
		logMessage("UNLOADED (**FAILED**)");

Load (with parameter) and Unload addin from console

In order to run addin with parameter simply add it after name of Addin, use space as a separator when you need more than 1 parameter

load runjava org.demo.DemoAddin 33
[1098:0002-23A0] 10/20/2020 11:15:00 AM  JVM: Java Virtual Machine initialized.
[1098:0002-23A0] 10/20/2020 11:15:00 AM  RunJava: Started org/demo/DemoAddin Java task.
[1098:0004-3984] 10/20/2020 11:15:00 AM  DemoAddin: version             2
[1098:0004-3984] 10/20/2020 11:15:00 AM  DemoAddin: build date          2020-10-19 11:00 CET
[1098:0004-3984] 10/20/2020 11:15:00 AM  DemoAddin: java                1.8
[1098:0004-3984] 10/20/2020 11:15:00 AM  DemoAddin: seconds elapsed     33
[1098:0004-3984] 10/20/2020 11:15:33 AM  DemoAddin: Count of persons: 11
[1098:0004-3984] 10/20/2020 11:16:06 AM  DemoAddin: Count of persons: 11
[1098:0004-3984] 10/20/2020 11:16:39 AM  DemoAddin: Count of persons: 11
[1098:0004-3984] 10/20/2020 11:17:12 AM  DemoAddin: Count of persons: 11

When you want to unload addin using console here is a command

tell runjava unload org.demo.DemoAddin

And you should be see confirmation on console if everything went fine

[1098:0004-3984] 10/20/2020 11:26:55 AM  DemoAddin: UNLOADED (OK)
[1098:0002-23A0] 10/20/2020 11:26:55 AM  RunJava: Finalized org/demo/DemoAddin Java task.
[1098:0002-23A0] 10/20/2020 11:26:56 AM  RunJava shutdown.

If you are interested in this topic I can recommend at least two more sources JavaAddinTest and AndyBrunner / Domino-JAddin or wait for new articles in my blog :-). Also feel free to ask questions if you are uncertain.

Full version of DemoAddin class is hosted on github: DominoDemoAddin

All articles in series
  1. JavaServerAddin in Domino - introduction
  2. JavaServerAddin in Domino - constructor and schedule

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

JavaServerAddin in Domino - introduction

I will show how to build, register and load simple JavaAddin for Domino. I'm not entirely sure if lotus.notes.addins.JavaServerAddin is supported by HCL, so use that for your own sake.

1) Java class

import lotus.notes.addins.JavaServerAddin;

public class DemoAddin extends JavaServerAddin {
	public void runNotes() {
		AddInLogMessageText("Hello world", 0);

2) JAR - from project

Export/build JAR file from the DemoAddin project (we are going to put jar file in the Domino folder).

3) Register JavaAddin

Place JAR file under Domino, f.x. path could be (DemoAddin is a folder and it could be just any name, DemoAddin-1.jar is our JAR file we built earlier)


and then register it in server's notes.ini using variable JAVAUSERCLASSES. In case if there are other addin registered there use semicolon as a separator for Windows and a colon for Linux


Alternatively simply put JAR file into the folder \jvm\lib\ext, but personally I prefer to keep customization separately instead of mixing core JAR files with customization. Additionally I'm not sure what happens to custom JAR file when is upgradet.

4) Load JavaAddin

It's time to run our DemoAddin. From console run following command

load runjava DemoAddin

Take into account if your include your class into a package, f.x. package org.demo; than you should add that into run command

load runjava org.demo.DemoAddin

If everything went fine you should see 3 lines

RunJava: Started DemoAddin Java task.
Hello world
RunJava: Finalized DemoAddin Java task.

Possible error

If you registered JAR file incorrectly, the error could be like this. In such case just make sure you followed steps properly.

RunJava: Can't find class DemoAddin1 or lotus/notes/addins/demoaddin1/DemoAddin1 in the classpath.  Class names are case-sensitive.

If I find time, I will make few more posts about this topic. It's really just a tip of the iceberg.

All articles in series
  1. JavaServerAddin in Domino - introduction
  2. JavaServerAddin in Domino - constructor and schedule

Thursday, February 27, 2020

NotesRichText to HTML native within Domino 10

Just realized that Domino 10+ came with possibility to convert RichTextItem to HTML almost in 1 line.

RichTextItem rt = (RichTextItem) doc.getFirstItem("Body");
String html = rt.convertToHTML(null);

Finally all these tricky transformation of RichText to HTML can be removed, same goes to custom JSON and HTTPRequest libraries.

I wonder what other useful improvements I missed?