Friday, March 07, 2008

Undocumented DOM LotusScript Inventory

Sometimes I look for undocumented methods in LS. So I found the best one, probably, page.
  • NotesDatabase
    + isNNT : Variant
    + archiveNow( ) : Integer
    + archiveNow( documentCollection=Nothing ) : Integer
    + archiveNow( documentCollection=Nothing, policy=Nothing ) : Integer
    + close() - DEPRECATED, DO NOT USE
    + createNewsGroup(groupName : String, title : Variant, subdirectory : Variant) : Long
    + enabledOptions(arg1 : Integer , arg2 : Integer)
    + getArchivePath( policy : String ) : String
    + getArchivePath( policy : String, pathType=Nothing ) : String
    + getFields(flag : Boolean) : String[ ]
    + retrievePOP3Mail(server : String, port : Integer, username : String, password : String, retainMail : Integer, useSSL : Integer) : Long
  • NotesDateTime
    + convertToZoneCanonical( zoneSpec ; String )
    + merge( datetime, zoneSpec )
  • NotesDocument
    + formDbID : String
    + formDbIDItem : String
    + handle : Long - cf. Notes C++ Programmer's Reference Guide
    + generateMessageID( ) : String
    + getNextItem(arg : Variant) : Variant - DEPRECATED, DO NOT USE
    + moveToFolder( )
    + putInFolderByUNID( )
    + removeFromFolderByUNID( )
  • NotesDocumentCollection
    + getNoteIDs( ) : Variant
  • NotesItem
    + PartialText
  • NotesOutline
    + getEntry(entryname : String) : NotesOutlineEntry
    + remove( ) : Integer
  • NotesOutlineEntry
    + onClickText : String
  • NotesRegistration
    + useAdminProcess
    + registerNewUserWithPolicy( lastName : String, certPW : String, userPw : String, policyServer : String, firstname=Nothing, middle=Nothing, altName=Nothing)
  • NotesRichTextItem
    + addLinkByIDs( replicaID : String, serverHint : String, viewUNID, notesUNID, comment, hotspotText )
    + appendRTFile( pathname : String )
    + partialText
  • NotesSession
    + internetDomainName : String
    + internetHostName : String
    + close
    + createXMLReformatter( input, output ) : Variant
    + getNewsGroupPath(arg : String) : String
    + getWin32Domain(server : Variant) : Variant
    + startProfile( outputFilename : String, outputThreshold, recordThreads, recordEntryPoints )
    + stopProfile( )
    + tagProfile( tagString )
  • NotesUIDatabase
    + editArchiveSettings( ) As Integer
    + modifiedSinceSaved : Boolean
    + parentViewName : Object
    + windowHandle : String
    + findFreeTimeDialogEX( reqPeopleItems, optPeopleItems, reqRoomsItems, optRoomsItems, reqResourcesItems, optResourcesItems, removedPeopleItems, startDateItem, endDateItem ) As Variant
    + navBarSetPrevNextState( command, benable )
  • NotesUIScheduler
    + ignoreUniversalID : String
    + participantTableCopy( sortOrder : Integer ) As Variant
    + refresh( getScheduleData, flags )
    + setParticipantsFromItems( flags )
    + setParticipantsFromTable( participantTable )
    + updateParticipantsFromItem( flags )
    + updateParticipantsFromTable( table, rolesFlags, appFlags )
    + updateParticipantsStatus( participantTable )
  • NotesUIWorkspace
    + addBookmark(bookmarkTitle : Variant) : Variant
    + addDatabaseToPortfolio( )
    + Create_DialEntry_Dialog( remoteAccessMethod )
    + create_DialEntry_Info( remoteAccessMethod, nameOfEntry )
    + create_DialEntry_List( remoteAccessMethod, nameOfEntry )
  • NotesView
    + HeaderLines - not really undocumented but mal-documented since R5
    + createViewFromTemplate( newName : String ) : Long
    + getEntryByID( NoteID : String ) : NotesViewEntry
  • WebBrowser
    exposed within OLE Automation classes from R5 onwards..
It was not my discovering I took it from here
Just remember about these methods, probably will be the time when it be helpful for you.

also you can use these @Formula


@command [PKCS12ImportCertsToNAB]

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