Wednesday, September 17, 2008

File - Tools : Additional options

Today I found one trick, during loading View "This view is being update... and so on" if we click at menu File and then Tools, we will see two additional options: [Cleanup Separators] and [Debugging Dashboard]. I don't know if it useful, but at least something new :)
Here is a screen with two additional options.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

how we can remove temporary fields from document

Set a computed field in the bottom of the form with next formula:

@If(@IsDocBeingSaved; @Success; @Return(""));
@SetField("Field1"; @DeleteField);
@SetField("Field2"; @Unavailable);

It is very simple and useful solutions as for me and to be honest I did not find any better way

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Redirect in WebQueryOpen

It looks like very simple task - redirect to another element in WebQueryOpen , but when I tried to do it it did not work ! I mean in WQO JavaScript does not work well (or probably at all).
So I found good solution for me, and I would like to share it:

We have to take current document and then change the value in $$HTMLHeader.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Copy to Clipboard using LS

Today I had a task, where I should copy value to Clipboard. I found solutions , probably it helps to somebody.

Declare Private Function W32GetActiveWindow Lib "user32" Alias "GetActiveWindow" () As Long
Declare Private Function W32OpenClipboard Lib "user32" Alias "OpenClipboard" ( Byval hWnd As Long ) As Long
Declare Private Function W32CloseClipboard Lib "user32" Alias "CloseClipboard" ( ) As Long
Declare Private Function W32EmptyClipboard Lib "user32" Alias "EmptyClipboard" ( ) As Long
Declare Private Function W32GetClipboardData Lib "user32" Alias "GetClipboardData" ( Byval wFormat As Long ) As Long
Declare Private Function W32SetClipboardData Lib "user32" Alias "SetClipboardData" ( Byval wFormat As Long, Byval hMem As Long ) As Long
Declare Private Function W32IsClipboardFormatAvailable Lib "user32" Alias "IsClipboardFormatAvailable" ( Byval wFormat As Long ) As Long
Declare Private Function W32GlobalLock Lib "kernel32" Alias "GlobalLock" ( Byval hMem As Long ) As Long
Declare Private Function W32GlobalUnlock Lib "kernel32" Alias "GlobalUnlock" ( Byval hMem As Long ) As Long
Declare Private Function W32GlobalAllocate Lib "kernel32" Alias "GlobalAlloc" ( Byval wFlags As Long, Byval dwBytes As Long ) As Long
Declare Private Function W32WriteMemoryToString Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrcpyA" ( Byval lpString1 As String, Byval lpString2 As Any ) As Long
Declare Private Function W32WriteStringToMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrcpyA" ( Byval lpString1 As Long, Byval lpString2 As String ) As Long

Function setClipboardText(pstrText As String) As Boolean

'// Constants:
'// {record any global constants here}
'// Class instances:
'// {record any global class intances here}
'// Primitives:
'// {record any global primitives here}
'// 05/21/2004 - Dallas Gimpel
'// This function attempts to programmatically copy the text passed in to the Windows
'// clipboard (if it can be opened).
'// NOTE:
'// This code is obviously Win/32 specific.
'// INPUT:
'// pstrText - String, text to be copied to the Windows clipboard
'// Function returns true if text can be successfully copied to the clipboard

On Error Goto errorHandler

'// one of the "standard clipboard formats"
Const CF_TEXT = 1
'// global memory flags
Const GMEM_FIXED& = &H0
Const GMEM_MODIFY& = &H80
Const GMEM_NOT_BANKED& = &H1000
Const GMEM_SHARE& = &H2000
Const GMEM_DDESHARE& = &H2000
Const GMEM_NOTIFY& = &H4000
Dim lngHWnd As Long
Dim lngCBStatus As Long
Dim lngHGMem As Long
Dim lngGMemPointer As Long
Dim lngSize As Long
Dim lngRC As Long

setClipboardText = False

'// Get a handle to the current window.
lngHWnd& = W32GetActiveWindow()

'// Determine the size required.
lngSize& = Clng(Len(pstrText$) + 1)

'// Attempt to obtain a memory handle.
lngHGMem& = W32GlobalAllocate(GPTR&, lngSize&)
If lngHGMem& = 0 Then
Msgbox "An error was encountered while attempting to obtain a global memory handle.", , "Error encountered . . ."
Goto functionExit
End If

'// Attempt to lock the memory handle and store a pointer to it.
lngGMemPointer& = W32GlobalLock(lngHGMem&)
If lngGMemPointer& = 0 Then
Msgbox "Failed to lock the memory to which the text is to be copied - unable to continue.", , "Error encountered . . ."
Goto functionExit
End If

'// Copy the string passed into the memory allocated.
lngRC& = W32WriteStringToMemory(lngGMemPointer&, pstrText$)

'// Release the memory.
Call W32GlobalUnlock(lngHGMem&)

'// Attempt to open the clipboard.
lngCBStatus& = W32OpenClipboard(lngHWnd&)
If lngCBStatus& = 0 Then
Msgbox {Could not access the "clipboard" - another application may have it locked.}, , "Error encountered . . ."
Goto functionExit
End If

'// Always empty the clipboard first.
lngRC& = W32EmptyClipboard()

'// Now attempt to copy the text to the clipboard.
lngRC& = W32SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, lngHGMem&)

'// Check to see if the text is there.
lngRC& = W32IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT)
If lngRC& = 0 Then
Msgbox "An error was encountered while attempting to copy the specified text to the clipboard.", , "Error encountered . . ."
setClipboardText = True
End If

'// Always make sure to close the clipboard (even in the event of an error).
If Not(lngCBStatus& = 0) Then
Call W32CloseClipboard()
lngCBStatus& = 0
End If
Exit Function

Msgbox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ & " encountered at line " & Erl & " of " & Getthreadinfo(1) & ".", , "Error encountered . . ."
Print "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ & " encountered at line " & Erl & " of " & Getthreadinfo(1) & " . . ."
Resume functionExit
End Function
'// W32 API declares
Function getClipBoardText(pblnClearClipboard As Boolean, pstrTextOut As String) As Boolean
'// Constants:
'// {record any global constants here}
'// Class instances:
'// {record any global class intances here}
'// Primitives:
'// {record any global primitives here}
'// 05/21/2004 - Dallas Gimpel
'// This function attempts to programmatically open the Windows clipboard and write the
'// text held in memory (if any exists) to the output parameter.
'// Notes from MSDN on the "CF_TEXT" standard clipboard format . . .
'// "Text format. Each line ends with a carriage return/linefeed (CR-LF) combination. A
'// null character signals the end of the data. Use this format for ANSI text."
'// NOTE:
'// This code is obviously Win/32 specific.
'// INPUT:
'// pblnClearClipboard - Boolean, flag indicating whether or not to clear the clipboard
'// pstrTextOut - String, receives text (if any can be retrieved) held in the clipboard
'// Function returns true if text can be successfully retrieved from the clipboard

On Error Goto errorHandler

Const CF_TEXT = 1 '// one of the "standard clipboard formats"
Const MAXSIZE = 4096
Dim lngRC As Long
Dim lngCBStatus As Long
Dim lngHCBMemory As Long
Dim lngGMemPointer As Long
Dim strBuff As String * MAXSIZE

getClipBoardText = False

'// Attempt to open the clipboard.
lngCBStatus& = W32OpenClipboard(0&)
If lngCBStatus& = 0 Then
Msgbox {Unable to access the text in memory (i.e., contents of the "clipboard") - another application may have it locked.}, , "Error encountered . . ."
Goto functionExit
End If

'// Attempt to get a handle to the text currently held in the clipboard.
lngHCBMemory& = W32GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT)
If lngHCBMemory& = 0 Then
Msgbox {There is no text available in memory (i.e., copied to the "clipboard") - unable to continue.}, , "No text available . . ."
Goto functionExit
End If

'// Attempt to lock the memory and store a pointer to it.
lngGMemPointer& = W32GlobalLock(lngHCBMemory&)
If lngGMemPointer& = 0 Then '// no text in memory - close clipboard & exit
Msgbox "Failed to lock the memory from which the text is to be copied - unable to continue.", , "Error encountered . . ."
Goto functionExit
End If

'// Copy the in-memory string (by pointer location) into the buffer.
strBuff$ = Space$(MAXSIZE)
lngRC& = W32WriteMemoryToString(strBuff$, lngGMemPointer&)
If lngRC& = 0 Then '// an error has occurred in the copy operation
Msgbox "An error was encountered while attempting to copy the string from memory - unable to continue.", , "Error encountered . . ."
strBuff$ = Mid(strBuff$, 1, Instr(1, strBuff$, Chr$(0), 0) - 1) '// remove the null terminator
pstrTextOut$ = Trim(strBuff$) '// clean up the string
If pblnClearClipboard Then
Call W32EmptyClipboard() '// clear contents of the clipboard
End If
getClipBoardText = True
End If
lngRC& = W32GlobalUnlock(lngHCBMemory&) '// release lock on the memory

'// Always make sure to close the clipboard (even in the event of an error).
If Not(lngCBStatus& = 0) Then
Call W32CloseClipboard()
lngCBStatus& = 0
End If
Exit Function

Msgbox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ & " encountered at line " & Erl & " of " & Getthreadinfo(1) & ".", , "Error encountered . . ."
Print "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ & " encountered at line " & Erl & " of " & Getthreadinfo(1) & " . . ."
Resume functionExit
End Function

original post here

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

How we can change language in database?

Actually I have one task right now. The main goal of this task is to find the best approach for changing current language in database. Let's say we have lotus notes database on English language and we have to change it to Spanish / German / any other .

So, what I think, is to export this database in DXL, then we cut/took all English wording, translate them to new language, then we have to modify this DXL file and them import it back as database. It is only 1 approach, and I would be happy if anybody can propose any other.

It is really interesting for me, and I guess for other people.