Friday, November 12, 2010

Computewithform does not work properly at 8.5.2

Many people + me as well faced up with strange issue after migrated to 8.5.2.
Computewithform just stopped to work (but when you use debugger and look into document before computewithform it works fine).
Here is my solution to avoid this problem
Set doc=view.GetDocumentByKey(key, True)
Dim bug as String
bug=doc.UniversalID '(or any item) '// that is actually the main line, funny?
Call doc.ComputeWithForm(False, False)


Anonymous said...

I believe the code should read "UniversalID" instead of "UniverslaID"

Kevin Pettitt said...

Dmytro, just so we're clear, was the bug = doc.UniverslaID line intentionally mispelled to trigger an error and thus somehow "trick" computewithform into working, or was that just a typo?

In any case, thanks for the heads up!

Dmytro said...

it was 'typo'. I've updated it. Thanks.

sean cull said...

I am finding that computewithform does not work lately as well