Wednesday, February 11, 2009

how we can check LIST for empty

Today I was faced with small issue, I realised that I don't know how to check LIST variable for empty. Really, I was so confused. I've done it using next approach, but to be honest I don't like it. If anybody knows better approch, please share it here!
isValid = False
Forall x In myList
isValid = True
Exit Forall
End Forall


Anonymous said...


Try this link...the best explanation abouts LISTS...


Bogdan Shurunov said...

Hi Dmytro,

Sometimes it could be useful to wrap your list processing is some class.

Class MyList
Private m_list List As Variant
Private m_count As Double

Sub New
End Sub

Public Property Set List(tag As Variant) As Variant
If Not Iselement(m_list(tag)) Then
m_count = m_count + 1
End If
If Isobject(Me.List) Then
Set m_list(tag) = Me.List
m_list(tag) = Me.List
End If
End Property

Public Property Get List(tag As Variant) As Variant
If Isobject(Me.List) Then
Set Me.List = m_list(tag)
Me.List = m_list(tag)
End If
End Property

Public Property Get ListValues As Variant
Me.ListValues = m_list
End Property

Public Function IsEmpty As Boolean
If Me.Count = 0 Then
Me.IsEmpty = True
End If
End Function

Public Function Erase(tag As Variant) As Boolean
If Iselement(m_list(tag)) Then
Erase m_list(tag)
m_count = m_count - 1
End If
End Function

Property Get Count As Double
Count = m_count
End Property
End Class

Sample usage:

Sub Initialize
Dim my_list As New MyList
Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim v As String

Set db = s.CurrentDatabase
v = "345241234"
Set my_list.List(1) = s
Set my_list.List(2) = db
my_list.List(1) = v
If Not my_list.IsEmpty Then
Messagebox my_list.Count
End If

Forall o In my_list.ListValues
Messagebox 1
End Forall

Call my_list.Erase(2)
If Not my_list.IsEmpty Then
Messagebox my_list.Count
End If

Call my_list.Erase(1)
If my_list.IsEmpty Then
Messagebox "Empty :-)"
End If
End Sub
