Thursday, December 03, 2009

Online JS validator

I have never used JS validator before (just because I did not think about it previously) . Today I decided to use one of them. I looked around and found JSLint. It is really good tools for validation of JS. I like it ! I recomend to use it to everybody, it gives very good results.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Re-open document using @Formula

Need to update document using re-open approach?

here is easy way:
@Command([SwitchForm]; currentForm)

I like this approach, especially because I've never thought about such way.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Would you like to add google analytics to your blog (blogspot)?

Today I decided to add 'Google Analytics' to my blog, so I looked around and found couple articles that describes how to do it.

I would like to share it to all who probably think about it: setting up google analyics on your blog

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

How @UserAccess can determine No Access level?

One my fellow asked me how to determine that user don't have access to database using only @formula. So I want to share how it can be done.
We should just check it on @IsError(@UserAccess(..)) and it will return 1 for cases if you don't have access to database at all.

Monday, November 02, 2009

How to show image in LN using HTML

I had trouble with displaying image using html in LN. I did everything correctly, but the image did not appear. So I looked around and found that there is a special field
$DelayedImagesOK = "ok"

So when I added this field (CFD) on the form it started to worked fine.

But then I found if we click on place where the image should display (I meant on that icon) using right click and then click on show image the image would appear and field $DelayedImagesOK with value "ok" would be added.