Friday, October 27, 2023

Overcoming Domino's Agent Scheduling Limitations with JavaAddin

If you're frustrated with Domino's limitations on scheduling agents to run more frequently than once every 5 minutes, you're not alone. As a programmer, you understand the need for flexibility and control in your applications. In this article, we'll discuss a practical solution: creating a JavaAddin for Domino that can trigger agents at shorter intervals, allowing you to gain more fine-grained control over your scheduled tasks.

Understanding the Domino Agent Scheduler

Domino provides a robust environment for running scheduled agents. However, it imposes a minimum time gap of 5 minutes between consecutive runs of the same agent. This limitation can be a roadblock for applications that require more frequent execution.

The Power of JavaAddins

JavaAddins offer a way to extend Domino's functionality using Java code. This opens up a world of possibilities, including overcoming the 5-minute scheduling restriction. Here's how you can do it:

1. Setting Up Your JavaAddin

To get started, you'll need to create a JavaAddin. This involves writing Java code to interface with Domino. The code should enable you to trigger agents at shorter intervals than what Domino's native scheduling allows.

2. Utilizing Timers

One of the most effective ways to bypass the 5-minute limitation is to use timers in your JavaAddin. With timers, you can execute your agent at precise intervals, even down to seconds. Here's a simplified example of how this could look in your Java code:
import lotus.domino.*;
public class CustomScheduler extends JavaServerAddin {
    public void runNotes() {
        try {
            Session session = NotesFactory.createSession();
            Database database = session.getDatabase("", "YourDatabase.nsf");
            Agent agent = database.getAgent("YourAgent");

            // Set the execution interval in milliseconds
            int interval = 30000; // 30 seconds

            while (true) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
This code defines a Java thread that runs your specified agent every 30 seconds, effectively bypassing Domino's 5-minute restriction.

3. Deploying Your JavaAddin

Once you've created your JavaAddin, you need to deploy it within your Domino environment. Ensure that the necessary permissions and access controls are in place.

4. Monitoring and Maintenance

Regularly monitor the execution of your custom scheduling solution. Ensure that it's working as expected and doesn't place undue stress on your Domino server.


By creating a JavaAddin for Domino that can trigger agents more frequently, you can take control of your scheduling needs. This solution empowers you to run your agents at shorter intervals, achieving the level of precision your applications require. While this approach requires some development effort, the benefits of fine-grained agent scheduling can greatly enhance your Domino-based applications.

In summary, if you're tired of being constrained by Domino's 5-minute scheduling limitation, consider the power of JavaAddins to break free and gain control over your scheduled agents.

I have also created a bit more advanced setup which you can get on github: DominoAgentsHelper 

Stay tuned for more technical insights, delivered directly to the point, in future articles.


David Leedy said...

How do you deploy this?

Dmytro said...

We have developed another JavaAddin that deploys other addins.

Alternatively it can be done via another agents:
1) Update notes.ini with the necessary configurations.
2) Upload the JAR file containing your JavaAddin to the Domino server.
3) Run the JavaAddin, which may require restarting other JavaAddins if they are running.

Paul Withers said...

The agent Ui only allows you to scroll to 5 minutes, but you can enter a smaller number in. I did some testing on that a few years ago. The UI will still display “5” when you go back in, but it does actually save as the lower value, e.g. “1”. You can see that if you open the agent in an Eclipse XML editor. Of course that’s not every minute, it’s 1 minute after run completes, then rounded up to the next full minute. So the lowest you can actually get is 2 minutes. It’s good that the addin allows you to cut that down further.

Carl said...

I came to write what Paul wrote. :)