Thursday, January 12, 2017

Play Framework project in production - Application Secret

I am going to make series of articles about how to deploy Play Framework (version 2.5) application on centOS together with build system Jenkins. I'm doing this first time and want to document everything for myself and at the same time I hope it can be useful for somebody else as well.

Before I wrote few articles how to setup hello-world project on centOS or macOS however now I'm going to work on production setup. I assume you already have you hello-world project and clean centOS environment.

Let's have a look on important moment.

Application secret

Each play application has secret key which is used for signing session and some other important stuff. It is not possible to run play project in production mode in case if secret is not set or if it is set to default value 'changeme'. Secret key is stored in application.conf file /path/to/hello-word/conf/application.conf in variable play.crypto.secret (see below).
## Secret key
# ~~~~~
# The secret key is used to sign Play's session cookie.
# This must be changed for production, but we don't recommend you change it in this file.
play.crypto.secret = "changeme"
Of course we should not share our secret key and therefore it has to be used/stored on production side only.

There are at least 3 ways how we can use secret key on production side.

1. Secret key as a parameter

It is fine if you have simple application on 1 server, but I would not really recommend that for bigger project.
/path/to/hello-world -Dplay.crypto.secret="secret_token_123"

2. Environment variables

That would read variable from OS environment, otherwise default value will be used (actually the last defined one, in example below it is "chagneme").

3. Use separate configuration file

Separate configuration is probably the best way to go.
include "application"
They include config while running application.
/path/to/hello-word/bin/yourapp -Dconfig.file=/path/to/production.conf

Secret tools

There are few already builtin function that can help you deal with secrets: playGenerateSecret (generate secret) and playUpdateSecret (generate and update into config).
$ playGenerateSecret
[info] Generated new secret: G28Dze]Z4lr@Or_9DCoz;tT_yCj6opKkkIh27K>[0l_NT9lZaFfs?=zx[Wulz>cX
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Jan 11, 2017 6:24:12 PM
$ playUpdateSecret
[info] Generated new secret: QmJ?udauJgDj34AYifbprJvbT5I8^Vw1MY0WmbYRscZmAOotkalbhXbIs^48_Uc9
[info] Updating application secret in /Users/dpa/git/eqa-app/conf/application.conf
[info] Replacing old application secret: changeme
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Jan 11, 2017 9:22:06 PM

1 comment :

Mario said...


I'm looking for disable the sessions on Play for a stateless REST API. Do you know how can I do that?