Monday, June 15, 2015

Insufficient memory - NSF pool is full

Recently I've faced up with an odd issue. When users tried to open Lotus Notes applications they got a warning saying
Insufficient memory - NSF pool is full

What 'Insufficient memory - NSF pool is full' is about?

As far as I understood it is memory leak on IBM Domino server. There are different kind of issues similar to this one:
  • Insufficient memory - NSF pool is full
  • Insufficient memory - index pool is full
  • Insufficient memory - NSF directory manager pool is full
  • Insufficient memory - Event pool is full
  • Insufficient memory - NSF Monitor pool is full
  • Insufficient memory - Network pool is full

Fixing the issue

Of course it require investigation why it happened but as a temporary fix you can simple increase memory while you are looking into the problem (if you do so :)). The variable name responsible for this pool is NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size (number of bytes) or alternatively you can use NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size_MB (number of megabytes). I'm not going to explain details about this variable, since you can find everything on IBM, just open this link: NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size

Adding or changing NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size_MB in notes.ini

I didn't find a default size for NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size (One article mentioned 32MB as a default value, however I could not really confirm that with IBM documentations). Anyway, for I set 64MB and from now I will keep my eyes open on this problem.
Let's change notes.ini using a Configuration Settings document
  1. First, open IBM Domino Administrator and find a Configuration tab there.
  2. Find Configuration settings now (in R9, it's nuder Server\Configurations), if it is not there, you may need to create it first.
  3. Highlight right server and and click button Edit Configuration and switch to NOTES.INI Settings tab.
  4. There must be a button: Set/Modify Parameters at the bottom, click on it and add/change your variable.
  5. Save configuration and Restart Server.


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