Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Deferred Loading

On my job we are trying to decrease time for loading pages as much as it is possible, we simply want 'fast pages'. We don't want our users waited for 2 seconds each time they load page. We are focusing to keep not more then 0.5-1 second per page and we are doing really a lot in that area. Nowadays It's quite common for most of websites to include javascripts just in head area (or at bottom area) as static html so each time we load pages they will be not responsive till all resources will be loaded. I want to share how to load of javascript files (or any another resouces) just after page loads. It could increase speed dramatically. This solution loads all javascrip files deferred after page load on onload event. That snippet should be minimized and be present on every page where you want to use deferred loading.

Snippet of deferred loader
 function deferred(success){
    if (typeof window.onload != 'function') {
   window.onload = success;
  } else {
   var old = window.onload ;
   window.onload = function() {

 function getScript(url,success){
  var script=document.createElement('script');
  var head=document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0],done=false;
  script.onload=script.onreadystatechange = function(){
    if ( !done && (!this.readyState || this.readyState == 'loaded' || this.readyState == 'complete') ) {
   script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null;

 function getScripts(urls, success){
  var total = 0;
  function trySuccess(){
   if(total == urls.length)success();
  for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
 var DeferredLoader = window.DeferredLoader = {};
 DeferredLoader.getScript = getScript;
 DeferredLoader.getScripts = getScripts;
 DeferredLoader.deferred= deferred;

How to use loading, in that example we load jQuery, then when it's loaded we load kissmetrics libraries and only then utils.
var urls = {
 jquery: "/javascript/jquery-1.9.1.min.js",
 dependent: ["/javascript/util-2013-04-10m.js"],
 kissmetrics:['//','//' + window._kmk + '.1.js' ]

DeferredLoader.deferred(function () {
 DeferredLoader.getScript(urls.jquery, function () {
  DeferredLoader.getScripts(urls.kissmetrics, function () {
   DeferredLoader.getScripts(urls.dependent, function(){})

1 comment :

NotesSensei said...

Nice one. Letting users see the page before the behavior is loaded at least speeds the perception. Now that one as tickbox in XPages would be perfect